Last Week in Tanzania...for 2014
Hello everyone, it has been a while since I could get internet and power at the same time and therefore it has been three weeks since I wrote a blog. That means this one is going to be long. Thought about breaking it out but every time I do that one blog gets a lot of attention and the other gets very little. Christmas Staff party Things that I hope to remember to cover: Feelings about this last week in Tanzania Work Done on Site Living inside the new house Building Furniture Eyeglass Program Graduating Kids from the Pre-school Barnabas Injury Report/Update Thanksgiving with Friends Christmas Party at the Site Nduguti Crochet Class Feelings about this last week in Tanzania Going into this I realized I would have split feelings over my life in Tanzania and my life in the USA but that has not been as much of the case as I thought it would be. While I have made some friends here and couple that are good friendships it does not really compare yet ...