Tumaini (Hope) School
What initially began as a simple venture to donate school supplies has turned into a mission much bigger than ourselves. After spending time in the rural village of Kiruani, hearing the God- given vision of one pastor, and witnessing firsthand the conditions of the public schooling available and its distance from many of the children, God tugged on our hearts and placed a conviction upon us to come alongside Him in this vision.
The Lord has expanded the focus of Project KATIE to ensure that every child living in Kiruani receives a quality Christian education. It is our hope that by providing an environment conducive for learning we are able to help extend the Tumaini School vision through the following grades as students progress. Our proposal includes a five year building program for the Tumaini School, which has been divided into four phases of construction.
Phase I includes a clean water well, campus bathroom facilities, and Building 1 which includes two classrooms, teachers office, and storage room. Phases II – IV will each consist of another building with two classrooms each. The total construction cost is estimated at $150,000.00, yielding ten new classrooms and a well to provide clean drinking water for the children. Our goal is to implement the yearly building additions to the existing school, which will serve kindergarten through seventh grade students.
Prior to summer 2015, Tumaini school was meeting in a small building we renovated located near the community church, but has now been approved by the government to move into the two newly constructed classroom buildings on campus. We are happy to announce that Phase I,II and III of our project has been completed, which includes the drilling of a well so the school will have safe drinking water for the students and the surrounding community.
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