Memorial Day Overseas

Wow, Memorial day is tomorrow and to be perfectly honest until I started seeing all the Facebook posts I had not realized it was here. This is probably one of the more significant "holidays" to me other than Easter and Christmas. More so than Independence Day or even Veteran's day and the ever growing list of governmental holidays. So how did it get so close without me realizing it. Basically it is a lesser known USA holiday to the rest of the world. When overseas most folks recognize our Independence Day as something big to us and would say something when they saw us on the streets. I wonder how all the Germans, Australians and British feel about Tanzanians wishing them a Happy Independence Day on July 4th. Folks here don't seem to distinguish to well between where Muzungu's come from. If you are white you are going to have someone try and speak English to you. Of course that is fair since the real definition of Muzun...