Getting Organized
I like things I work with to be organized. Not OCD type organization just organized so I can find things. Sometimes that can be a problem if you don’t have the tools you normally use to organize with. For example my “desk” is a bit of mess because I have nothing to put files in. So they sit on top of my desk along with my books and constantly get knocked askew as I flip through them to file receipts which seems to be a major time consumer for me. First I have to do the accounting then I have to take pictures of receipts for the folks in the states and rename the picture files once I get them on my computer so they can easily figure out what they are for then I get to file them in their folder. I also have to keep account of all the money I spend personally for tax purposes since I have to show the money I got was what it took to live here. So the tool room has been a big headache for me. First it is the old min-shop room and the shelvin...