Birthday Work Celebration

I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes via facebook. I especially want to thank T. Welborn and my parents for the very cute cards sent via post. A lot of folks asked what I did for my birthday. Well I spent the majority of my birthday gearing up for a next stage in our current big project, though one of my Peace Corp Volunteer friends took me out to breakfast and we got in a couple of games of cribbage, which she won (she is on a roll right now). Since many of the folks I know back home do a birthday month celebration, I thought I would combine these two weeks and discuss the things I was doing to celebrate my birthday this time. As many of you remember last year was a big number of importance, but this year it is just a regular number with no mathematical significance. So to preface any discussion of the thing I have been doing these last couple of weeks I need to first discuss the weather. Technically we are in w...