Dry season
I once again find myself struggling with a blog topic that I has all my research completed and enough pictures to keep my wonderful audience returning. I have a couple of items I need to put on record before we move on to the topic today. First up: I will be making my yearly stateside trip arriving Dec 12 and departing the afternoon of Sunday Jan 15. I will be available to do talks either about my life and work here or about Full Dimension Ministry (or some combination of those two). Please contact me at steveintanzania@gmail.com and I will put you in contact with the person helping to schedule talks. Mark your calendars that I will be doing a dinner talk at Mauldin United Methodist Thursday December 15th that will be a fundraiser for the team coming over in June 2017. As the ability to register for the dinner becomes available I will pass it along. The last item is that if you were following the wish list items I posted several mo...