Mission Team #2

To view almost all the photos I took you can go to Steve's photo album The team arrived Saturday, June 17 at the Kilimanjaro International Airport which is about 1 hour away from Arusha where they would be staying their first night in Tanzania. Normally we use the safari vehicles to pick everyone up at the airport, but this time our safari company (called Cheeky Monkey) used what is called a coasta. A coasta is a medium sized bus which was perfect for everyone to get a comfortable seat and the luggage. It took a rather long time for the team to get through immigration. About an hour and a half but this is normal in Tanzania. Also, normal in Tanzania is to have every bagged checked at the customs stop and when you bring in items for VBS they want to tax it. This year it was the bears they wanted to tax. It took me about half an hour to convince them they did not need to tax the bears and get them loaded up on the coasta. ...