Pack your backpack
I have done a couple of blogs on organization in the past and also talked about pairing down to what is essential. I have talked about one of my favorite shows, Tiny House Nation on FYI network with John and Zack. John's main focus on the show is to help prepare the family for living in the tiny house. On the surface that sounds really simple, but the reality often is that they want to take everything and have everything in a tiny house that they have in a full size or oversized house. One of the big things about the show is having less stuff so you can focus your attention on what really matters and on having experiences. In the military this was easy. You had one bag for each type of deployment and that was what you lived out of for that deployment. More importantly, everything had a place in your bag, your various pockets of each pair of pants or shirt. That way you knew where it was when you needed something. You practiced relentless...