Tanzania Tiny House Part Deux

To be technical this is actually a tiny apartment not a house. Many of you told me how much you enjoyed my stories or cringed during my discussions of living in the tiny house at my previous site. So many were happy about my living conditions with the new site, that I hated to tell everyone that house actually would be used by the incoming headmaster for the school. The original idea was that I could use one room in the house, but he came with two kids (one newborn) and a niece that was helping his wife out. It did not seem the right thing to move in with them all, so I have been searching for a new place to live either in the area of the work or the nearest town, Moshi. The first couple of weeks I stayed in a hotel after I negotiated a better weekly price. That was a nice set up seeing how they had air conditioning and with it being hot 22 hours a day that was a nice touch. But alas, I refused to allow myself to stay there as the negoti...