Some weeks I wonder if I should even write a blog
How to best describe my first week back at site in 2019. How about two words: Sprite Zero. Don't understand? I love Coke Zero. finding it here was a true blessing for my mental state. I look forward to going into town once a week, getting some attempt at western food and a cold Coke Zero. This week all they had was Sprite Zero. Not even Diet Pepsi just Sprite Zero. I don't like Sprite Zero. It tastes weird-I mean a lemon and lime flavoured drink? Before I go too far, let me reassure everyone the mission site and school is fantastic. They told me they had 88 kids registered and we have 88 kids at school. That kind of honesty has been rare for me in Tanzania. When I got to the site, the first day they opened up the financial records for me to close out 2018 and see how they were doing in 2019. That kind of openness and financial accounting has been rare for me in Tanzania. My first week...