I am actually writing my first blog in real time while at the site

I realize many of you will not realize what a big deal that is, but is Mt. Kilimanjaro big. For my entire six years as a missionary, I have had to travel to a larger town and type my blog in while I was somewhere that either had wifi or at least cell phone service. As of this week we now have cell phone service in Kiruani. This comes with some ups and downs as well. First the government moved ahead with their promise to cancel all phones not registered using their new national id system (yes that is a thing here). Since I only have a visa I could not get an id and my phone number I have been using was cancelled. The local pastor is letting me use one of his extra phone numbers (most Tanzanians in any real position have 4 or 5 phone sim cards and numbers). Using that phone card and the new tower, I have made a phone call home from the site without having to stand on one leg over the sewer pit like I used to do at my other site tha...