Peace Corp Volunteer Girls Conference

Got the opportunity to particpate in the Girl's Conference put on by some of the Peace Corp volunteers.  They did a four day event in Singida, housing and feeding the girls from I think 6 different secondary schools in rural areas for a total of about 30 girls with the purpose to empower them.  They had science talks and experiments, items on health and safety, careers and to express themselves artistically.


I participated in Saturday when they did their science talks and experiments.  As part of the section they had them break into groups to draw everday things in their life that have some type of scientific element and to then present their drawing and talk about what it has to do with science to the whole group.  

The other part was to do break into teams where they had to work with girls from the other schools to compete in three competitions.  The first was pretty neat.  They  were to make boats from a sheet of aluminum foil about the size of a piece of  paper.  Not only did they need to float but the competition was to see how many bolts they could hold.  The team that won held 39 bolts before their boat sank.

Another competition was to make the tallest structure using paper and masking tape and it had to be able to stand up on its own and withstand a wind test (someone fanned it with a newspaper).  I believe the tallest two were a little taller than I am and all of them stood up to the wind test.  

The last is an oldie but a goodie.  The egg drop.  This is an engineering mainstay of dropping an uncooked egg in a container made from the materials given to each group and have it survive the drop onto a hard surface (concrete floor).  We dropped from multiple height with points being awarded for surviving each level.  The winner of this competition survived being dropped from all the heights we could manage inside the classroom we were using and even one we created by sending the dropper to the top of a pile of cement blocks.  

Sorry I can't give you youtube video links, the computer I am  using can't seem to access youtube.  I will include links to the google drive location so you can view them their.

Egg Drop Video #1

Egg Drop video #2


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