100 blogs in the Tanzania adventure

This is a time to celebrate for me personally as I am writing my 100th blog about becoming a missionary engineer with Full Dimension Ministry in Tanzania.  I honestly cannot believe I have found enough to talk about to fill 100 blogs.  I am not known as a chatty person, some might even call me laconic or reticence.  But here I am at blog 100 and I thought I would try something different (yes again) by blogging by the numbers.  Hope you enjoy it.

1-item I built that failed-the bed when I loaded it up with all the kitchen stuff so I could work in there

2-number of consecutive days before someone asks me for “their” money
3-pairs of glasses ruined and number of computers I have needed(also the number of blogs I have done on numbers like 47 and significance of Pi)
4-times I have I watched Pitch Perfect since being here (remember my man card cannot be revoked)
5-letters/cards I have gotten not including care packages
6-conversations with Barnabas published
7-pairs of shoes worn out

8-episodes of Tiny House Tanzania published
9-chapters of my Science Fiction novel that I have written
10-crochet patterns created

11-crochet classes held including the Peace Corp Volunteers

12-games of Spyfall played
13-number of greetings used when running into someone (maybe slightly exaggerated but not by much-depends on who and what day
14-coke zeros I drink over a 3-day weekend in town (I know that is horrible but I still drink a liter or two of water a day)
15-years since my first mission trip to Tanzania to design the main water cistern
2001 people standing where tank will be

16-posts to the Yarn’s Over before I hung that up
17-new scars (I am getting close to 100 total)
18-number of nails per kilogram that are straight enough to use
19-# of hamburgers and pizzas combined I have had in country
20-projects I have drawn up and want to build time permitting
21-number of shirts I have gotten paint on
22-pounds of bat crap collected from the attic of one building during one annual cleaning
Ward Ceiling only

23-number of critters I have killed in the house
24-million people in Tanzania don’t have access to clean water (source: http://www.wateraid.org/where-we-work/page/tanzania)
25-average number of miles walked in week
26-games of Settlers of Cattan
27-gallons of paint applied
28-times I hit my head while installing wire in the attic space
29-days I have been growing my current beard

30-months in service
31-hours spent waiting on Tanzanians to show for a scheduled time event per year
32-lights installed

33-number of gaping (over 1 foot) deep (over 3 feet) holes in the sidewalk in Singida
34- minutes to walk to my breakfast place
35-minutes to cook my pasta dinner on Wednesday nights
36- times I have had to Google something referenced by my 18-26-year-old friends (they should just use buffy references so I get them)
37-books read on Kindle
38- buckets of muck cleaned from inside water cistern
39-times I have quoted Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show in conversation or in a blog
40-minute walk to the rocks where I do Church
41-times a Tanzanian has asked me how I feel about Trump as opposed to 5 times for Clinton
42-times 1000 square meters is the size of the national parks in Tanzania

43-games of Oxygin played
44-bouts of diarrhea
45-feet of rainwater harvesting pipe installed (not guttering just the pipe after the downspout)
46-number of kids enrolled in pre-school

47-times the phone call home has dropped out (I am on the other side of the world)
48-times 100 minutes talking to Mom on phone
49-minutes (not times anything) talking to Dad on phone
50-shilling is smallest denomination coin (though they still charge things like postal fee in less than 50-shilling denomination)
51-times a waitress has asked I buy them a soda
52-million rough population of Tanzania
53-days of fundraising to fully fund the truck

54-minutes it takes to watch a 20-minute sitcom streaming over the internet here
55-servings of ugali
56-K modem speed is what internet felt like when I first got here-now it is like having Edge (for those too young to know what a 56K modem is like try communicating complex mathematics using two cans and a string)
57-screw heads broken by applying too much torque manually

58-stuffed animals given away (both mine and those given to me to give away)

59-I have asked for a diet soda and they brought me a regular one
60-times 10,000 shillings spent calling Mom
61-chickens have been killed so I can have some meat in my diet
62-bags of fried banana chips
63-hours of continuing education to keep my PE license
64-empty soda bottles to make a bench seat
65-times 10 equals the millimeters of rain during rainy season
66-books of the bible read
67-meters of electrical wire run
68-percent of Tanzanians live below the poverty level (source:  http://www.heifer.org/ending-hunger/our-work/countries/africa/tanzania.html)
69-hours of a normal work week including the time in town.
70-approximate number of Swahili words I know
71-visits to my hardware guy (mostly to say hi)

72-meals of chipsi mayai per year
73-normal weekly readership of the blog
74-kilometers to site from Singida one way
75-percent of Tanzanians rely on Agriculture for livelihood (source: http://www.heifer.org/ending-hunger/our-work/countries/africa/tanzania.html)
76-times people have admired the tie down straps the Gordon’s got me
77-times motorcycle drivers will honk at me in an attempt to get my business per day in town
78- hours spent sanding or planing wood flat
79-pain pills per year just to get my body moving in the morning
80-cups of mtindi (like buttermilk or a yogurt drink) great for breakfast in town
81-pictures of projects I downloaded from Pinterest on my computer I would like to attempt
82-trips to buy medicines for the clinic
83-times I have avoided some type of vehicle carrying at least a passenger (motorcycles to vans) because they wanted to drive where I was walking either on the wrong side of the entrance or on the sidewalk
84-arguments because I ask for a price and they don’t give me a number
85-percent of Tanzanians without access to electricity (source: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS)
86-number of times I have checked my mailbox
87-kilos of sand removed from house during dry season
88-years since Britain started work on making a standard written form of Swahili (source Wikipedia)
89- peanut butter and sugar free jelly sandwiches (that may be something I give up when I leave here)
90-buckets of laundry washed by hand
91-games of cribbage played
92-times I forgot to get Barnabas for a photo
93-trips to Mpesa stands to get cash
94-seconds I have between making a purchase on Amazon for a kindle book and when dad will file it as a fraudulent charge (only happened once)
95-trips to get water from the well
96-cold showers because the solar water heater did not get enough daylight heat
97-I have dreamed about eating a good hamburger/pizza/salad
98-times I have tried to correct Tanzanians on the word Mzungu (they use it for white people but it actually means European which I really don’t like being called)
99-times I have stared at a blank computer screen praying for inspiration
100-blogs written


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