Christmas in November

Last week was a trip to the big city for a quick weekend to pay deposits for the 2017 mission team and to visit the Christmas Fair. It is a fun event that makes one think of similar events back home. It was much needed as I have been preparing end of year reports and that is a strange mix of getting a lot of useless data and fighting to get useful data. I put up an offer for those wanting to go to the fair. Several PCVs wanted to go along, which is why I will be working hard not to mention the name of the big city since they don't have permission to go there and also the reason for it being such a short trip as some needed to get back to schools since they are teachers. I ended up with a truck full. The trip there was uneventful but the trip back was full of people puking and a lot of stops by police to only be waived on. The fair features various crafts, professionals and other groups on display often selling something. There are food ve...