Conversations with Barnabas #11

Welcome back to Conversations with Barnabas Bear. A couple of items up front, the conversation is fictional (hopefully that was obvious) but are pulled from some of my conversations and observations during my time here in Tanzania. The main purpose of these is to help everyone get to know the people in Tanzania a little bit better while having a little bit of fun. These stories are told from Barnabas' point of view. We are headed back home. It has been a weird year with the multiple trips home, having one ministry end and a new one startup. It has been even more hectic than normal with Steve (I understand it confuses some when I call him dad) getting hit by the motorcycle in Arusha then coming back to work on the solar of the headmaster house only to have to make a last minute trip back to town to get a part for the inverter. He was really busy wiring the house, doing final inspections on buildings under construction and saying goodbye to everyone. ...