
I have mentioned in blogs before about how at times it is difficult to write a specific blog or topic but never more so than this one. It was not my best trip home. I got some type of cold early on and it stayed with me the whole time making me a weak the entire trip. America is in its most fragile state I remember with everyone living on headlines and soundbites and not actual truths and stories and that applies to both sides of the aisles. The country has become one of believe as I do or you must be evil again on both sides of the political aisles. The problems with the cell service getting cut off. There was also a problem of a personal nature that I will not go into detail on to protect others but it did cause me great grief and emotional pain. So how do I write a blog about my time at home with those things constantly coming to the forefront of my mind. I am going to focus on the positive things that happened while I was home. The...