When I return to the site each year, I got with a game plan. I am an Engineer and a soldier (you never really leave that behind) so I always have a game plan. Of course each year when I arrive at site that game plan has to be adjusted. Sometimes because of weather, sometimes because we have to start back at the beginning on some of the lessons learned on site (like using door locks without breaking them), sometimes a change the locals make without telling anyone because no one was there to remind them they need to plan those changes.
Regardless the reasons I always have to make adjustments. This year the majority of adjustments have to do with the fact that the work on the team last year and the one this year will take time away from my personal projects like making my tiny house better. The other major adjustments have to do with the fact being sick while I was home meant no walking.
Take into account something most folks don't know about Tanzania and specifically Singida is that it is over 4000 feet in elevation. Compared to Greenville, SC which is under a 1000 feet. What is the big deal? I am guessing that elevation change is the reason my hearing is always worse the first couple weeks I am back in the area but also why I am tired so much. in this small of a change the air is lighter and therefore it is like breathing in less oxygen. So I get tired a lot easier and since I have not had a chance to exercise yet I have to build back up. (according to hiking charts the change in elevation is similar to going from 20% oxygen to 17.5%).
There are other factors like sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor. The smallness of the house reminding me of a very bad time in my life in another country. The critter crap throughout the house. Using something that suffices for a chamber pot at night instead of having a bathroom nearby. All of it wears on me that first week.
Hopefully it will not take very long to get back to Tanzania life but each year seems more difficult-the joy of getting old.
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