welding burn/sunburn
This last week was an interesting mix of items. I spent a lot of my week trying to get the site ready for my absence while I head home to the States awaiting my work/residence permit renewal process to be completed. But every time I started working on a project, one of the staff would bring something over and ask me to work on it. Most of the items were personal and not things belonging to the site. Most notable of those came from one of our nurses, Emmanuel. He wanted to build a window for his house out of the scrap wood I keep on site (never throw it away unless it is bad). I found it funny how he knew the piece of wood on top and bottom needed to be long enough to exceed the opening. This way they can put masonry grout between the bricks and the wood along the edges. What was funny was he had no idea how to figure out how long they should be. Understand this is someone who has done high school, the two extra years of high school ...