Searching for Clarity

I have been home for just over a week and half though it has felt much longer. There have been a lot of questions asked that my answer of “I don’t know” does not suffice. There has been a lot of activity, some of it mine and some of it tagging along for my parent’s activities. Since I have been home they eat breakfast every Wednesday morning at the Rolling Green Community dining hall so I join them for that. They eat every Thursday evening at the same place with a group of their friends here at Rolling Green and I join them for that. They cook breakfast for the Mauldin UMC Men’s fellowship once a quarter so I helped this last Sunday by cooking pancakes. Every Wednesday they participate in the covered dish meal we Methodist are known for so that meal is covered (no pun intended). In a couple of weeks, the church will start back up their prepared Wednesday night meals and I suspect my mom will be cooking some of those and I will go hel...