Prayer Life
I have made the following confession before in this blog: I often feel like I am a poor prayer warrior. It is a part of my Christian life I feel is always in need of help. It is not that I don't believe prayers are answered (I do believe that while all prayers are answered sometimes the answer is not yet or just no as opposed to Garth's song Unanswered Prayers ). The last 12 months have been filled with prayers and many of the answers I got were not what I wanted some were. This kind of up and down year (and back up again) can make you take stock in things and see what is working for you and what is not. Of course since this also happened in my fiftieth year some might call it my mid-life crisis, though it is less crisis and more a "deal with the situation" for me. My failures in my prayer life are most likely the same as many Christians face. It is the daily routine of specific time with God in conversation. I am always up if asked to praye...