
Showing posts from May, 2018

Visiting San Francisco

A couple of quick notes about speaking engagements coming up before I launch into all my slightly requested (I think two of you wanted it) travel information on San Francisco. Though I just got back from San Francisco late last night (actually pretty close to this morning), I will be leaving tomorrow night to head down to Tampa, FL unless Alberto has something to say.  What is about my trips to FL and early Tropical Storms/Hurricanes.  My friends who moved to Tampa several years back and former members of our Peru mission team have set me up some great speaking engagements from Tuesday to Friday. After I get back I have a meeting with another charity working in Tanzania on a Canal project which I expect is about a bridge they want to build.  Then June 3rd I will be speaking between services at St. Mark UMC in Greenwood, SC.  On June 10th I will be visiting one of my strongest supporting groups to speak at Mauldin United Methodist Men's Fellowship during their ...

What's happening at home

As normal, I tend to not get as many blogs written while I am at home.  This occurs for 2 main reasons.  The first being I don't think everyone is as interested in hearing about my life at my parent's house as they are about my life in Tanzania.  The second being I end up with a lot of little projects that seem to consume much more of my life than I expected.   In the last couple of weeks, I have helped pitchfork mulch into wheelbarrows for four hours one Saturday to help the Peru team; I spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday moving furniture for the Peru team yard sale; I spent several days in one of my Dad's office units going through the mass of stuff left behind by a tenant to figure out what was good for the yard sale, what was metal recycling for the men's fellowship recycling program and what was paper recycling and what was just trash and carrying it all down stairs before cleaning that office; yesterday I worked on cleaning up all my brother's left...