A normal weekly schedule
Several folks have
asked I give them an idea of what my life is like at the new site since I am
not doing all the physical work I used to do for the other ministry. While I doubt anyone has a set in stone
schedule that is never adjusted from week to week, I can say mine follows a
regular routine.
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I love Mary's face in this photo while Nice looks bored. As usual Thercia is trying to find a gap. |
Monday is the day I
head into town so I can get on the internet for a couple of hours and buy the
food for the week that is only available in town. So I get up around 6 to 6:30 AM and after a
bathroom break I get some of my dirty clothes together in the bucket I use to
wash them. It takes about 30 minutes to
wash the clothes in the bucket and hang them up to try. After that I take my shower and shave, pack
up my backpack with any items I need in town like the computer and charging
cables. I also normally charge up the
phone while I am washing clothes and showering so it will be close to fully
charged when I head into town. Since my
phone is my main source of internet service and acting as a Wi-Fi spot eats up
the battery, I like to keep it as charged as possible. Also since it is likely there will be no
power in town, I take an auxiliary battery to charge it with. The motorcycle arrives around 8 AM and we
head to the dalla dalla near the sugar plantation. I may have to wait as long as half an hour
but I cannot remember ever waiting longer for the dalla dalla to arrive fill up
and take off. The trip into town is
between one and half hours to two hours.
So I arrive in town normally around 10:30-11 AM
In town it is a race
to get everything I need to do done before 1:30 pm so I can eat lunch before my
appointed time to call home. That means
shopping for food from three different grocery stores to get everything and the
walk between them since they are situated in three different parts of
town. Having a cup of hot chocolate
while photos and videos upload to the various online servers. Videos are the worst since they not only take
over an hour to load up a 2 minute video and process it on YouTube. Then I have to shop for things for the site
or do any planning for required trips like my upcoming required trip out of
Tanzania required two weekends of work to get hotels booked, travel arranged
and apply for my visa to Kenya. After
that is either a trip to the bank or exchange house to get Shillings for the
site to pay the contractor or school operating fees (including salaries). If I am obtaining them via the bank ATM it
will take a full month of stops to
obtain the school operating fees for the month.
Hopefully I get all
this done by 1 PM so I can start the walk to my favorite restaurant in
town. It normally takes at least 45
minutes to get a burger or a pizza there giving me just enough time to swallow
it before my call home. While waiting is
when I get to do the majority of email answering, posting of the blog using the
pictures I uploaded earlier. After
eating is my call home to talk to mom and dad.
I normally get back to the dalla dalla stand on the other side of town
around 3:30 PM so I arrive back at the house around 6 PM and just before
dusk. I put away the groceries, bring in
my clothes for the drying line, give the guard a copy of the paper I hopefully
remembered to purchase him and cook dinner.
After that I normally read or watch recorded tv programs. I normally get to bed around 9:30 to 10 PM.
Tuesday Morning I
get up around 7 AM and take my shower and shave. That gets me to the school around 7:30 AM
since the kids arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 with the bus. They start the morning with devotional time
which consists of singing songs, then a story being read from the bible story
books I got them early in the year.
Around 8:15 they go outside for morning assembly where they alternate
between attention and at-ease. Then sing
the national anthem before having morning speeches by some of the
students. Then it is announcements from
teachers and inspecting the students to see who is dirty or has the wrong socks
(school uniform socks are simple white).
After that they are released to the toilets and class. (I find it funny that no matter how many of
them go to the toilet that within twenty minutes of class someone will ask to
go to the toilet).
On Tuesday, they
have a full day of classes meaning there is not afternoon group activity. However the baby and pre-unity classes do not
have scheduled classes but free time which really means they recite what was written
on the blackboard during their earlier sessions. Every day except Friday they have classes
from 8:30 until 10 then porridge time and then classes from 11 until 12:30 when
they break for lunch. On Monday and
Tuesday they then have afternoon classes from 1:30 until 2:30 when they have
afternoon assembly and the bus ride home.
I normally sit in
with various classes. Normally I just go
to any of the classes. However the last
couple of weeks it was discovered that I could explain the difference between
several of the shapes being taught in Standard I class. I could also draw the 3-D shapes on the
blackboard (all those engineering classes paying off). For example I was able to explain that a
hexagon has six sides, a pentagon has 5 sides, that a tetrahedron has 3 sides
opposed to a pyramid that has 4 sides.
It also seemed to be news that a square and cube have the same dimension
all the way around. So I have been
teaching the shapes an figures classes which occupy about 1 hour of every
day. I even went so far as to cut up
cardboard and make the 3-D shapes or gather common objects that would be
examples of those shapes like a tin for a cylinder.
While the students
eat porridge I normally go home to eat an apple of banana. Then at lunch I make a sandwich at the
house. Normally when school lets out at
2:30 the first thing I do is clean the dishes I used for lunch if I did not
clean them immediately. Sometimes I like
to get back to lunch break early so I can toss the balls around with some of
the students. The biggest challenge
there is getting them to throw the ball to each other. They all want me to throw it them and
likewise throw it to me instead of passing it around in a circle.
Regardless of
cleaning dishes I normally clean the house every afternoon after school. After that I normally go for a walk between 1
and 3 hours long. Often I will stop at
the village shops to get my bananas and some other items they may sell locally
that I need. When I get back in the
evening it is normally around 5 PM. I
typically read some or work on the computer until time to cook dinner. I keep my meals simple so they can be cooked
in around 30 minutes on the gas stove. I
like to watch some recorded TV program while I eat. After that I normally wash the dishes and
cookware since you can't leave anything like food out for attracting ants. I read or work on the computer until bedtime.
Wednesday is much
the same as Tuesday except the afternoon of the school is scheduled for sports
and play time where they are supposed to be working on understanding teamwork
in sports. This is the time we intermingle
our stories on videos that have been going so well. Or as I like to refer to it "Storytime
with Barnabas Bear." The kids cycle
in small groups from the sports
activities to watch the story on video or have me read to them. In the coming weeks I am going to try having
the Standard I kids read a book to the younger kids. Please pray for me on this endeavor.
This last week the story was read by Vanessa Marano and Katie Leclerc called Chester's Way. I liked the discussion we had about the fact they also read the book in American Sign Language and how people can communicate using their hands and fingers if they are deaf. That was new to the kids.
Thursday morning I
normally get up around 6:30 AM again to wash clothes. Thursday the afternoon
activity is Debate class. Here the
students come up to the front of the class (all the classes combined) and give
a speech which is normally they introduce themselves and then recite something
they learned in class. The most popular
lists to recite are: animals, what
items you use to wash your face or brush your teeth. This is followed by them being asked to spell
something on the board.
Thursday after
school the teachers stay and we work on their English. In reality they have a good understanding of
English but their pronunciation is often very difficult because they normally
learned from someone who was not a native English speaker and therefore their
pronunciation was off. Me teaching math,
I understand that. Me teaching English
has really thrown me out of balance in my world of numbers and logic. Right now I am bought all of them an English
newspaper (all 4 the same date of same paper) so they can follow along and read
them aloud together. After that we play
hangman which I really think they are enjoying.
Last week they wanted to come up with their own words for me to
guess. I did not stand a chance when
they chose a non-communicable disease in Kiswahili for me to try and guess
at. I also spend the week in classes
listening to words they may be having trouble with. For example I heard everyone here pronouncing
chest as "ches--t'" In fact
all words ending in "t" were pronounced as the "t" was a
separate syllable on an island. I am proud to say they are no longer doing
Friday is a short
day at school with classes between morning assembly and porridge time. But the next session of classes are taken by
the Religion class which involves 20 minutes of praise singing, 20 minutes of
worship singing, 20 minutes of instruction (either reading a story from the
bible story book or covering things like the 10 commandments or fruits of the
spirit) followed by 20 minutes of choir.
They then eat lunch and play until the bus arrives at 1:30 to take them
Saturday is a day of
deep cleaning on the house starting with laundry and normally washing towels
and bedsheets. I spend about 3 hours
pulling everything out and cleaning it, cleaning the bathroom, washing walls,
sweeping the ceiling, and mopping the floors.
After that I normally eat lunch and spend some time crocheting in the
afternoon or sewing if I have torn holes in my clothes. Soon I will need to hem up my curtains, but I
keep putting it off. I really don't
enjoying sewing by hand. I read a good
bit in the afternoon and go on 2-3 hour walks often to the side with very few
people. However on my way back I
normally travel through areas with people I know so I can visit with them for a
couple of minutes and stop at the local shop to inquire if they have a coke
zero (they never do but I always ask and I buy them in town and keep a few on
hand at the house). I normally watch a movie on Saturday night using the
Sunday, I normally
sleep in until about 8 AM then take my shower.
Church does not start until 10 AM (really it starts about 10:30 but they
always tell me it starts earlier). Church
normally lasts until 12 noon/12:30/1 PM depending on how much funds they need
to raise for one event or another. They
typically do not budget for those items so always have to do a special
fundraiser for them. It can be anything
from they need a new song book to Pastor Stephano is traveling somewhere and
needs money for lodging and food.
Sunday afternoons
are typically very lazy with the only chores being burning my trash and cooking
my meals. I like to make chapati on
Sunday's though it normally comes out more like pancakes since the evangelists
left me some packets of sugar free syrup.
I sometimes watch my
recorded tv programs but always do a good bit of reading and crochet.
So what am I always
reading all the time. I continue to
cycle through the Bible on a regular basis so that I go start to finish once
every 9 months or so. I have also found
that Amazon has many of the classic books on kindle for free. So I have been reading my old favorites like
Zane Grey where I found several books of his I never knew existed and have
loved reading them. I have also gotten
back into reading Mark Twain (short stories and novels), Charles Dickens and
some of the classics like Iliad.
Much of the computer
work has to do with planning the future of the site and budgeting/accounting
for the school and myself which never seems to end.
So that is pretty
much the normal week. The first weekend
of every month is an overnight trip to town since I need to convey all the work
I do on the computer via the internet back to the states and it takes too long
to get done in a couple of hours. In
September the school has a two week break and I will use one of them to get my
90 day visa trip out of the way. (This
is the trip I have to take every 90 days to leave the country and come back
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