Schools out for two weeks so a cleaning i will go

The school is officially on a two week break that started on Monday (technically the school closed on the Friday before but normal weekend activities took place leaving me to the break activities starting on Monday). Part of the two week break will consumed with the required trip out of country. It really is a wonderful thing the two week break falls at almost the midpoint of the 1/2 year semester. So what do I do with the week between school closing and my going to Kenya? I clean the school. It is something I have been wanting to do for a while. Let's be honest, 40+ kids age 5-8 are going leave a mess. Most noticeably on the walls at about the 2 foot mark is a consistent discoloration in all the classrooms and the outside walls. They cannot help but but their hands out. Unfortunately, Tanzanians typically clean the floors on a regular basis. They sweep the ground nonstop. But even in medical facilities they don't nor...