It is Christmas time again and all I want are my two front teeth.
I have seen a lot on Facebook about if you don't like this Christmas son then something is wrong with you. Well I don't get into all that negative speak but I have to say if you can look at these faces and not think about the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" then we may be looking at different pictures. It is Christmas time and the last day of school, we gave out presents to the kids thanks to Zion United Methodist in North Carolina. All the kids got a backpack (most of the Dora the Explorer this year), six exercise books, two pencils (courtesy of MUMC team), sharpener, erasers, ruler, toothpaste, toothbrush (courtesy of MUMC team), a coloring book, puzzle, bracelet, a couple scripture coins, crocheted washcloth, box of crayons, toy car, additional toy based on age. Those moving up to Standard I got their own copy of the 100 Best Loved Bible Stories book we use for devotion time. I am going to put a bunch of pictures here (but st...