educational odds and ends
This week are some odds and ends for the school before we head into the spelling bee and mathematics competitions. First and foremost is our "new" van (the quotations are because it is new to us). We even had this one painted school bus yellow (a requirement here in Tanzania). The new van is already in service and providing our students with those much needed rides. Our previous van actually belonged to the local minister and had become more of a repair nightmare than something useful. He was forced to get rid of it and we used a Landcruiser Prado for a short time but that was not a good vehicle for student transport. You can help defer some of the cost of the van by making donations to Blessed2BlessU Ministries, Inc. PO Box 2016, Femont, NC 27830. I have finished inventory of all the items left by the Mauldin UMC team in July and have distributed items to various teachers. I am proud to say all our classrooms have multiple educat...