Arobaini na Saba
I was not going to do anything for this day, just let it pass as any other. Then it struck me this is Arobaini na Saba we are talking about and as a math and science nerd, I just cannot ignore that.
What is significant about Arobaini na Saba:
So while I have often forgotten it is my birthday over the years and probably would have this year except Mom wanted to send me some new pants that hopefully will fit after the weight loss. I could not forget this is the year I turn Arobaini na Saba or 47.
I expect big things in 47-I mean look at the significance placed on this number. Wikipedia lists 12 different special number titles(including that it is a prime number) that 47 can lay claim to.
So what, all this to prove I am a math nerd. Probably. But I am also a Christian. Those who like science and math are normally not expected to be Christians. Not at least the ones who come out an talk about their beliefs. Normally we are supposed to believe in evolution theory (yes Darwin's evolution view of how we got here is just a theory!).
I personally believe in Creationism, I believe God created the world and people. I believe He did so by first creating Math and Science. Had He not done so He would have to hold it together all the time. Instead He created scientific laws like Gravity and Conservation of Matter. These scientific laws allow our planet to stay together after He created it without Him having to physically hold it together all the time. They also prevent us, His creation also, from being able to undo it.
One of my favorite jokes of all time had to do with a group of Scientist who felt they no longer needed God, that they were his equals. (yes that is a joke but not the punch line) So they went to God and said "We no longer need you, we can create life on our own." God smiled kindly at them and said, "Ok show me." So the scientist reached down and grabbed a sufficient amount of dirt to form a human body and started to work. God raised his hand gently and said, "Whoa there-you need to make your own dirt first"
The scientist left downcast as they realized that no matter what they did they could not actually create the building blocks to create life they would always have to use something God had created first-law of conservation of matter.
Thanks to Hillary and Lynda for sending the bear's greeting:
What is significant about Arobaini na Saba:
- It is a Prime Number which plays a central role in number theory.
- According to the society dedicated to Arobaini na Saba there is a mathematical proof that it occurs more frequently than other numbers.
- TV shows have used the significant nature of Arobaini na Saba: It played a role in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Voyager and in the Rimabldi prophecies of Alias, there is even a Castle episode with it in the name.
- There are a lot of websites dedicated to Arobaini na Saba
- Arobaini na Saba AD is when Paul is believed to have started his Christian Ministry.
So while I have often forgotten it is my birthday over the years and probably would have this year except Mom wanted to send me some new pants that hopefully will fit after the weight loss. I could not forget this is the year I turn Arobaini na Saba or 47.
I expect big things in 47-I mean look at the significance placed on this number. Wikipedia lists 12 different special number titles(including that it is a prime number) that 47 can lay claim to.
So what, all this to prove I am a math nerd. Probably. But I am also a Christian. Those who like science and math are normally not expected to be Christians. Not at least the ones who come out an talk about their beliefs. Normally we are supposed to believe in evolution theory (yes Darwin's evolution view of how we got here is just a theory!).
I personally believe in Creationism, I believe God created the world and people. I believe He did so by first creating Math and Science. Had He not done so He would have to hold it together all the time. Instead He created scientific laws like Gravity and Conservation of Matter. These scientific laws allow our planet to stay together after He created it without Him having to physically hold it together all the time. They also prevent us, His creation also, from being able to undo it.
One of my favorite jokes of all time had to do with a group of Scientist who felt they no longer needed God, that they were his equals. (yes that is a joke but not the punch line) So they went to God and said "We no longer need you, we can create life on our own." God smiled kindly at them and said, "Ok show me." So the scientist reached down and grabbed a sufficient amount of dirt to form a human body and started to work. God raised his hand gently and said, "Whoa there-you need to make your own dirt first"
The scientist left downcast as they realized that no matter what they did they could not actually create the building blocks to create life they would always have to use something God had created first-law of conservation of matter.
Thanks to Hillary and Lynda for sending the bear's greeting:
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