Two weeks for the price on One

After missing a chance to post my blog last week I have consolidated the two weeks mainly because it was a little boring.  So basically I painted during the day, walked in the later afternoon, ate sandwiches except on cooking nights, read books or devotionals, showered and went to bed.  The following are some deviations from that routine.

I have crocheted a giraffe head giving a raspberry.  I even added some glasses to use them for the glass program.

Twiggy the Twiga helped an older lady pick out a new pair of glasses.  Her last pair were from our 2006 mission trip.  I could not get her to face the camera holding Twiggy so this was the best I could get from them.

I started to hang the doors on the bath house.  This is again a time consuming process.  Normally I could hang a door by myself in the States in under an hour depending on how much hardware was accompanying the door.  Here it was 4 hours just to prep the door by sawing and planning the edges to get it to fit in the frame as well as chisel out the hinge locations on the door.  I still have to chisel out the hinge locations on the frame and then get someone to hold the door up while I attach the hinges to the frame.

The bats are still doing their thing though to a lesser degree.  I went hunting for chemicals and created my own non-persistent type nerve toxin.  The only problem is I have to get it directly on them to have effect.  So far I have killed six of the ones living in my house.  After this it will be bumped to larger scale for the medical buildings.  Those have attics so I can probably make the solution a bit stronger without affecting anyone else.

 Movie selection for these two weeks included Swiss Family Robinson and Underworld.  I know a great movie while fighting bats.  I do have a question about the original Swiss Family Robinson-is it supposed to be a drama or a comedy?  Those pirates were some funny caricatures. 

One thing I have forgotten to mention lately is that I have been writing again at night.  Currently I am working on my first Science Fiction/Dystopian style novel.  Currently finished chapter 4.  It is a good feeling to be writing again and it has been a while since I have done anything creatively.

I did miss work on Tuesday myself with a sore back.  Normally I get pretty worn out on weekends trying to fit in all the work and all the walking around to find all the parts necessary for the site.  I do normally stretch some time in there for my Peace Corp friends and a game of Cribbage or two which I have come to enjoy.  Well this weekend really left me very tired and the trip out to the site I was balancing everything on the piki piki (motorcycle) and it hit a couple of hard bumps.  So Monday night I had to break into the Tylenol PM my back hurt so much and I was so tired I could not sleep.  Needless to say Tuesday was a bit of a rest day for the back.

Next week’s blog will be fun for those of you who enjoyed my Arobiana na saba blog (47).  We have some significant math events coming a-ROUND the corner.  I will do a chunk of the next blog on that.

Last minute add-They put a refrigerator in my hotel room. YEAH!!!!


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