Another step for the playground equipment

This week was full of more wood for the site. Basically, about 1 and 1/4 time the previous order with almost all of it 1x8 boards meaning more face to be planed down. I have so many boards I am having storage problems until I get them all ready. So I had to use two of my 2x6 boards to make some sawhorses to store some of the wood on. A lot of warp in this board. This is fairly common in the wood here. Another problem we have this time around is that the boards that will be used to face the climbing wall have to be trimmed down in size. In the USA when you buy a 1-inch thick board it is actually 3/4" thick. Here that board is 1 1/4" thick. Not a problem except the bolts for the climbing handles are made for a board that is less than 1" thick. So we have to trim those boards down almost 3/8". What does this mean? I ran out of diesel fuel before I finished planing the wood this week. So I started digging out the are...