End of Year Tests, Alternative Christmas Gifts

Last week, I talked about the Christmas gifts as a single blog because I felt it deserved it's on spotlight. Today I want to finish up our school year and the final testing. When I went around talking during my trip home in June, I told folks we had a goal of increasing the academic performance through our school. Typically a passing grade for a government school would be 21% and even at that level only a handful pass. Our goals were 100% passing with a passing grade of 60%. With the exception of the child I have mentioned with a learning disability and one of the kids who joined our school in the last month, all of our kids passed with a grade over 60. The school average was 85.76. Our reading and writing scores maintained their previous increases that showed up after starting the "Reading with Barnabas" program. We had several kids continue to show great progress in their grades. In fact two of the students that joined us in the second ter...