Our First Successful Virtual Mission Trip from High School Friend's daughter

I had a friend from high school be the first to help me out with the Virtual Mission Trip I proposed back in June.  He recorded his daughter reading Dr. Seuss's "Hop with Pop."  The kids really enjoyed having someone close to their own age read a story to them.  But I think what was more fun was all the rhymes in the story and having a try to practice saying some of them after she finished reading the book to them.

So a big thanks to my high school friend Jerry Burke and his daughter Lila for being our first to do this.  This is also a great example of using the power of Facebook for good.  Jerry and I recently reconnected through our high school's conversation about the 30 year reunion.   Wow hard to believe that was over three years ago. 

I have had several folks ask me to do a blog on how to make a video and upload it.  That is a little more complicated than what I can do on site.  I have put together some videos showing how to make a video and some of the best methods of doing that.  I need some serious internet time both to upload those and to make videos about how to upload them onto YouTube.  So I expect to put that together during my next trips into town for a weekend (1st weekend of November).

I am also hoping to set up a day at church where I will be there with the camera and can help people create a video they want to show the kids.  Don't forget it can be about things you are passionate about like crochet, painting, horses, fishing, etc.  The object of these virtual mission trips is to help expose our kids at Tumaini School to things kids in Tanzania normally don't get to see.  Some animals they know very little about you may want to do a video about are Bears, Manatees, Whales, dolphins, dogs that can do tricks. 

Also this week we got another of those snakes, this time the facilities guy stepped on it in the water pump house (small building that houses the generator to run the bored well water pump and the well).  Fortunately he did not get bit by the snake before he was able to kill it.

This week I was asked to do something I have not done at this site yet because we have so many folks coming through here that are evangelistic ministers.  I delivered the sermon on Sunday.  Most folks that know me and my sermons know I am not a screamer or shouter.  I don't constantly ask for feedback from the congregation.  I normally like to give everyone something to think about.  I like to ask questions most of the people who give sermons here like to gloss over in favor of the fever sermon as I like to call them.  Don't get me wrong, both have purpose.  I am just not fever sermon kind of guy.  I like it best when people ask me to lunch the week after because they are still thinking about the questions I put in their head.


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