So much going on!!! Reid Scott with Storyline Online and Lila (friend's daughter) read our stories this week.

This last week has been overflowing with activity and so many big things started that I am going to have work them all into the next couple of blogs.  First up is our normal Reading with Barnabas segment.  This week we used two videos.  The first was a second video made by my High School friend's daughter, Lila.  She and her sister have made several more for me to use.  The one I used this week was short, so I added in another video from Storyline Online featuring Reid Scott reading "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble" written and illustrated by William Steig.  The kids are loving have someone close to their own age reading books for them.  They also loved watching Sylvester, a donkey and animal they are very familiar with, shaking with fear and hugging his parents.  I also got a couple of videos sent to me via Facebook that I have to download still featuring horses which I think the kids will love seeing someone ride a horse.  I just hope no one gets the bright idea to try that with a donkey.  For those who are wanting help in making a video, I hope to have that up online the weekend of November 3rd. 

I have had several more encounters with snakes recently, fortunately not at the site and very fortunate no more inside my house.  We cleared out some land of overgrowth and brush to provide a larger buffer zone between the areas the snakes live and our site.  Hopefully we will not have any more encounters on site.  One showed up at spot where you switch from the dalla dalla to a piki and there must have been 20 guys grabbing shovels going after that snake.  (notice I did not say the poor snake).

I mentioned a while back that because customs has gotten so tough on small items that we cannot bring the bears into country anymore and so I decided to make as many dolls, stuffed animals as I can before the July team arrives in hopes I will have enough.  Well the little guy below is a new "bear" pattern I got from one of the yarn companies.  I really think it looks more like a mouse than a bear, but I doubt the kids here will care, there are no bears in Africa. 

However a potential program popped up on the radar last weekend that would need a washcloth for each of our students, so instead of going and spending almost no money to buy those, I came up with the bright idea I could make them.  So far I have done 3 basic types:  ribbed rectangle with alternate color border, round with a fancy alternate color border, and the zig zag stripe pattern (I have never actually done this until now).  So far I have 11 made.  39 more to go, though one of the teachers is planning to make a couple to help me out. 

As part of that potential program, Pastor Stephano and I had to head into Moshi on Saturday to price items we would need.  I rarely get to spend that much time with him because he travels so much.  It was a very nice day, I treated for lunch to take him to one of my favorite places.  I also used this opportunity to purchase some larger items for my house.  The first is something I have really needed this last couple of weeks since it has gotten roaster oven hot again here.  A battery operated fan because I am tired of wringing my the sweat out of my pillows.

The second item were two plastic chairs so I can sit comfortably on my porch.  Unfortunately, one of them broke while Pastor Stephano was testing it out.  And as I have mentioned before, there is no return policy at the stores here.  So that was 17,000 shillings wasted.  The other chair, exactly the same type just a different color, has had no problems.  So I have a chair, but my company (hahaha) will just have to stand I guess.

For those who are regular readers of my blog, I got some really big news that I hope I can share in the next couple of weeks concerning "Reading with Barnabas" program.  It was a huge surprise email I got while in town on Saturday.  Once I know it is really happening, I will include all of you in on the story.

Lastly the teachers noted we were all wearing red shirts one day, I assume they are correct.  This apparently requires a picture be taken.


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