This is Mery's bible story book she got a year and a half ago. She has worn the cover and several pages off of it in that time. During times like this it is good to make sure we spend time daily reading the Bible and communicating with God. While it is ok to be afraid of this virus, you can find comfort and strength in your beliefs. I need to be honest about a couple of things at the beginning of this blog. I have mainly seen just numbers dealing with the pandemic and am not sure why this virus outbreak has caused such an uproar and disruption to the world (I do mean world here). I assume it must be a non-tangible bit of information, something that cannot be quantified because the numbers don't match previous plain flu outbreaks much less avian or swine flu. Secondly, I struggled with what to write about with all of this going on. Countries closing their borders and cancelling flights, entire states closing their school systems, the NBA ca...